The next morning D'Artagnan had fresh bandages put on his wounds. Thanks, without doubt, to his youth, and probably also to the absence of a doctor, D'Artagnan walked about that evening and was almost well again the day after.
When the time came to settle his bill, the only money he owed on his own account was for his room, one meal, and the bandages. On the other hand, according to the innkeeper, his horse had eaten three times as much as a horse of its size could reasonably have eaten. D'Artagnan found nothing in his pockets except his money. As for the letter addressed to M. de Treville, it had disappeared.
The young man began his search for the letter with the greatest patience, turning out his pockets again and again, searching and re-searching in his bag. But, when at last he realized that the letter was not to be found, he flew into a terrible rage. Seeing the hot-headed young man about to destroy everything in the inn if his letter were not found, the innkeeper seized a poker from the fireplace, his wife a broom-handle, and the servants the sticks they had used the day before.
"My letter of recommendation!" shouted D'Artagnan. " My letter of recommendation, or I swear I will cut you all to pieces."
Unfortunately, there was one great obstacle against the carrying out of this threat. D'Artagnan's sword had been broken in two, and this the youth had forgotten. Consequently, when he drew it he found himself armed with a piece of sword about ten inches long, which the innkeeper had carefully placed in the scabbard.
This loss would not have stopped the fierce young man if the innkeeper had not decided that the demand for the letter was not perfectly just.
"After all," said he, lowering his weapon, "where is this letter?"
"Yes, where is it?" cried D'Artagnan. "Let me warn you that the letter is for M. de Treville, and it must be found. If it is not found, he will know how to find it, I promise you."
This threat decided the innkeeper. Throwing down his poker and ordering his wife to do the same with her broom-handle, and the servants with their sticks, he began to search in earnest for the letter.
Before long, however, an idea came to him. "That letter is not lost," he cried suddenly.
"What!" exclaimed D'Artagnan.
"No. It has been stolen from you."
"Stolen? By whom?"
"By the gentleman who was here yesterday. He came down to this room where your doublet had been left. He remained here some time. He must have stolen it."
"Do you think so?" said D'Artagnan, still unconvinced.
"I tell you I am certain," continued the innkeeper. "When I told him that your lordship was M. de Treville's protégé and that you even had a letter for that noble person, he appeared to be very much troubled. He asked where the letter was and, immediately after, came down here where he knew you had left your doublet and things."
"Then he must be the thief," replied D'Artagnan. "I will complain to M. de Treville and he will complain to the King."
He then took two crowns majestically from his purse and gave them to the innkeeper who accompanied him, cap in hand, to the door of the inn.
D'Artagnan remounted his yellow horse, which carried him without further incident to the gate of St. Antoine at Paris. There he sold his horse for three crowns, which was a very good price.
Thus, the young adventurer entered Paris on foot, carrying his few possessions in a bag under his arm.
After a short search he found rooms to let at terms suited to his limited means. Next he went to have a new blade put to his sword, and on his way back asked the first Musketeer he saw for the address of M. de Treville's headquarters. It proved to be quite near the lodgings hired by D'Artagnan.
Then, satisfied with the way in which he had conducted himself at Meung, without regret for the past, confident in the present, and full of hope for the future, he went to bed and slept the sleep of the brave.